Monthly Archives: March 2016

07 Mar

Advantages of Using Wool Rug Pads

ecofiber4opt_14Rug pads are abundant in the market. There are many kinds to choose from but it is best to consider those that are not synthetic made. Among the many choices, those made of wool must be your first choice as these are competitive, offers extra layer of comfort and protects your floor.


Wool rug pads offer great benefits to users. Aside from giving warmth and comfort, wool rug pads lower your risks in getting allergies. Synthetic made rug pads make use of materials that have volatile organic compounds or VOCs. VOCs emit high pressure gasses even at room temperature. This compromises the quality of indoor air your breath and could comprise the health of your entire family.


However, with wool rug pads, you don’t have to worry about inhaling polluted air while inside your house. Wool rug pads are all natural and often come from New Zealand and are imported to the USA. This type of rug pad is usually expensive because of its manual processing, packaging by hand and are manually shorn from lambs. However, people still opt to buy the product because of its natural and extra comfort.


New Zealand is globally known to be the home of the finest wool. Wool rug pads that are derived from New Zealand sheep are all natural and are not manufactured with chemical additives. This makes it all natural and the padding’s natural elements are not compromised.


Wool is also biodegradable. This means you will not contribute any harm to the environment when you purchase the product. Wool rug pads biodegrades in the soil after disposal. In return, it would help to produce carbon dioxide, water, sulfur and nitrogen which are needed by plants.


Aside from being earth-friendly, wool is also a sustainable and renewable material. Sheep are shorn every 9 to 12 months which is makes it renewable. These animals also feed on grass, which is a totally renewable resource.


newwool14__75017.1414508500.1280.1280Wool is also known to be a natural flame retardant. This means that wool does not easily ignite and has less toxic gas or smoke if ever ignited compared to other synthetically-made rug pads. Wool does not have any rubber or latex component making it comfortable and soft compared to similar products. It can also be with any type of flooring.


Another unique advantage of using wool rug pads is that they allow air to pass between rugs and floor coatings. This would mean that hardwood flooring can be saved as air can easily move through the areas.


Chemicals including polypropylene are often present in the home carpets you buy. This is one of the reasons for indoor air pollution. Homeowners also do not have to worry about odor inside the house by using wool rug pads. This is because wool rug pads have an anti-odor component which makes it odor free. You don’t have to worry about the quality of air you breathe inside the house as wool rug pads absorb pollutants contributed by unnatural products.


Floorings can also be guarded by the use of wool rug pads. This will help prevent discoloration and improve the condition of your floorings. Wool rug pads are safe to use and would not harm your floors compared to commercially made carpet pads. This is because wool rug pads do not contain plastics or chemicals that can destroy finishes and floors. Wool is also stain resistant making it easier to clean. You don’t have to worry about spilling your coffee as wool has natural oils that stop dirt from sticking to the yarn. Wool also has durable fiber which makes it a good choice for areas inside the house that receive high traffic.